The Avatar® Path is divided into 5 sections and is taken over 3 separate courses in sequence
What is so unique about Avatar®?
Well, there are three types of courses on offer in both the corporate and general markets.
- Motivational - designed to inspire individuals and groups to action
- Educational - designed to impart information and skill-sets
- Transformational - Designed to create lasting change in the student.
Transformational training requires much greater skill & attention from trainers than the former two types
Motivational and educational courses while commonly very expensive, unfortunately do not tend to bring lasting change to students. Avatar® however is a transformational program from which the student emerges having left behind many of the factors which hold people back in their lives. People use Avatar® to move themselves forward in almost every area of endeavor and personal improvement, ranging through such fields as financial, creative arts, education, spiritual, social, health recovery and many more.
The Avatar® course is 9 days in duration and is generally run from Friday evening to the following Sunday week. Courses are generally held in either Florida or the Netherlands.
The course is comprised of three sections, each with a specific set of exercises which prepare the student for the next phase of the program.
Section 1 Resurfacing®
Resurfacing is a 2 day introductory course held over the 1st weekend of the course. It contains a reading component which covers the fundamental philosophy of Avatar® as well as a series of powerful exercises. These exercises may appear deceptively simple on paper, but when practiced under the supervision of skilled trainers their effects can be and often are life-changing. They set the stage for Section 2.
Section 2 Creation Exercises
This series of exercises take around 5-6 days to complete. They develop the capacity in the student to entirely remove resistance from the decision making process. Resistance is the principal factor in repeating patterns of behavior ranging from addictions, repeated inappropriate relationships, to chronic health conditions. Our culture is powerfully compromised by subliminal resistance to life. The human obsession with negative information is so prevalent that an entire, world-wide industry of negatively sensational news-casting is based on it.
The Creation Exercises start by removing a lifetime's accumulation of the negative beliefs which drive resistance. This opens the door to a variety of desirable outcomes among which are:
- Developing the ability to make a creative decision without the element of doubt
- Removing many of the beliefs which drive the chaotic thinking processes which lead to worry, self-doubt, stress, exhaustion and various life-crises
- Reducing the needless electrical activity in the brain and nervous system that contribute to physical exhaustion and stuck health situations
- Developing the ability to make a sound decision, actually take the decision and follow it through to its completion without hesitation
- Developing the ability to perceive reality without judgements, distortion or separation
- To modify personal reality
- To create experientially real states of beingness at will
Section 3 Dis-creation Exercises
This section is the prize for pursuing the previous two sections. It comprises a set of run downs that enable the student to work through and eliminate a variety of the neuro-physiological components of a less-than-full life such as:
- Disempowering body impressions
- Perceived personal limitations
- Disempowering impressions of self and others
- Impressions underlying many stuck physical and psychological conditions
Expected Outcome of the Avatar® Course
- The ability to address body sensations, interpersonal conflicts, dependencies, self-sabotaging beliefs and compulsions
- To assume full responsibility for the conditions and circumstances of your own life
All content © 2016, Star's Edge, Inc.
EPC is a service mark of Star's Edge, Inc. Avatar®, ReSurfacing®,
Thoughtstorm®, Love Precious Humanity®, Enlightened Planetary Civilization®
and Star's Edge International® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc.
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