Have you ever noticed that just about all the violence, wars, gutting, gouging and throat-cutting that goes on between human beings occurs as a result of differences in belief? Who is right about what? Who is wrong about what? Who should be in control? Who owns what? And so on ad nauseam... A very famous politician once defined history as "One damned thing after another!"
This pattern of human conduct has become so entrenched historically that many don't really question it too deeply. For most people a society without violence doesn't seem all that realistic. What do you feel? Is a civilisation characterised by interpersonal and inter-community collaboration really beyond belief?
Harry Palmer has a vision for the world that is not just courageous, beautiful and idealistic, it is visibly unfolding and many believe it is already in the process of coming into fruition. Harry believes with an absolute passion that by using these tools, we can as a species, co-create an Enlightened Planetary Civilisation. We just have to look around. While we do still have wars and famines and other disasters, more and more people, groups and organisations are leaning towards the fostering of personal growth and development. While the methodologies are often laborious, the hearts seem to be more and more in the right place. There seems to be a shift occurring in the mass-consciousness of humanity.
In the light of the above, when the paradigm flips it will do so as a result of our discovering how to act together from source rather than contending with each other through our misguided belief systems.
Could we allow ourselves to view the world just as it is, through the naked light of Awareness without the interference of beliefs? What might happen of we did?
People have been poisoned, crucified, dismembered and burned at the stake for suggesting such possibilities in the past. The idea has been expressed in many different ways down the millennia. However, I don't think anyone has quite managed to put it as succinctly as Harry does when he says:
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