Next Course Orlando December 31st - Jan 8th
To Register for the Avatar course
The course will be held in the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary in Florida. The following link will take you to the sign-up page:
NB: If you intend to stay for the MASTERS FAST-TRACK COURSE for 3 days after the Avatar Course, be sure to extend you hotel booking to cover the extra 3 days!
Fast-Track Masters & Wizards Course Special Offer
There are 5 courses in the Avatar Path - Avatar, Masters, Integrity, Professional & Wizards. (Read more about these on the Avatar Path page.)
The Wizards Course is without doubt the quintessential personal transformation program on the planet. We meet so many people there who make a point of coming back year after year. People who are at the very peak of their game in diverse fields - film directors, Ivy league professors, top level corporate managers, classical musicians, fund managers, established artists. In short, creative people who have made it in their field and find it worth their while to keep on coming back.
Stars Edge Inc. is the company that administrates and maintains the very high level of integrity with which these courses are delivered. This year they are offering a very special and unprecedented opportunity for new Avatar students. Normally it is a pre-requisite to have done the 9 day Masters course before taking Wizards. The reason is that there are advanced processes on the Masters curriculum that need to be confident skills prior to starting Wizards. So there will be two opportunities to do a 3 day Fast-Track Masters Course. 1. After Avatar or 2. Immediately before Wizards.
Fast-Track 1 Will be run immediately following the Avatar Course, January 9th - 11th 2017.
Fast-Track 2 Will be run immediately before the Wizards Course, January 28th - 30th 2017
Taking this program will entitle you to do the Wizards in February of 2017 and not have to wait until 2018. As an added bonus, taking this 3 day course will entitle you to do a free 9 day Masters Course at a later date.
To register, for the 3 day Masters Fast-Track, fill out the pdf at the link below and fax, mail or e-mail to Stars Edge Inc as detailed on the form
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and Star's Edge International® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc.
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